Interview with Jenn Fraser and Graham Isador – Founders of Pressgang Theatre

27 Jan

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Young, ambitious, and talented. It’s an apt description of both the creative duo of Jenn Fraser and Graham Isador, and of their company, Pressgang Theatre. While they have big plans for the future, their forthcoming storytelling night, Narcotics Synonymous, promises to be a raunchy, unapologetic, and highly entertaining evening of tales all heavily involving mind altering substances and beverages. Have a listen below for a tantalizing preview of Narcotics Synonymous, and other Pressgang projects simmering on the back burner.

Narcotics Synonymous is one night only – Saturday January 27, Comedy Bar (945 Bloor St. West), 9pm, $10.

One Response to “Interview with Jenn Fraser and Graham Isador – Founders of Pressgang Theatre”

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